Rant - significado y definición. Qué es Rant
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Qué (quién) es Rant - definición

Rants; Ranting; Diatribes; Rant; Draft:Diatribe
  • A street protester delivers a harangue in front of the National Assembly in Paris, France, in 2006.

I. v. n.
Spout, declaim (boisterously), rave (in high-sounding phrases), vociferate, mouth, tear a passion to tatters.
II. n.
Fustian, bombast, rhodomontade, exaggeration, boisterous declamation.
·noun High-sounding language, without importance or dignity of thought; boisterous, empty declamation; bombast; as, the rant of fanatics.
II. Rant ·vi To rave in violent, high-sounding, or extravagant language, without dignity of thought; to be noisy, boisterous, and bombastic in talk or declamation; as, a ranting preacher.
1)(D; intr.) to rant at
2) (misc.) to rant and rave



A diatribe (from the Greek διατριβή), also known less formally as rant, is a lengthy oration, though often reduced to writing, made in criticism of someone or something, often employing humor, sarcasm, and appeals to emotion.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Rant
1. Total rant.
Disrupted - My Misadventure in the Start-Up Bubble _ Dan Lyons _ Talks at Google
2. End of rant.
Rest - Why You Get More Done When You Work Less _ Alex Pang _ Talks at Google
3. to rant about brunch.
New York in a Dozen Dishes _ Robert Sietsema _ Talks at Google
4. rant about nothing.
Robot Chicken _ Seth Green & Matthew Senreich _ Talks at Google
5. expecting this rant.
Ready, Set, Breathe _ Carla Naumburg _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Rant
1. Rather, it inspired her to hiss her usual holiday rant.
2. But lets not turn this into an anti–Chinese rant.
3. Afterwards a witness heard Tucker rant: "F tosser.
4. Surprisingly, Stewart‘s upbeat rant barely makes a blip on YouTube.
5. A rant courtesy of Faye Anderson, whom we‘ll call Ms.